It's the beginning of December 1943. The war seems to be so far from Bari. Until the night of December 2th, when the port turns into a hell. Suddenly some German bombers arrive and start bombing. It's not enough. In the following days people keep on dying. The symptoms of the scourge are mysterious and unusual. Now we are going to reveal what really happened...Then we'll go down in the battleground looking into the eyes of the war cruel violence.
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Realizzato grazie al contributo del POR FESR Regione Lazio 2007-2013 – Asse I – Avviso Pubblico "Insieme x Vincere" – Prot. Domanda
n.SVLAZ-SU-2012-1038 – Codice CUP n. F84E14000930007 e Avviso pubblico per la presentazione di progetti di innovazione delle micro e piccole imprese - Prot.
FILAS-MI-2011-1343 del 3/8/2012 – CUP F87I1200233007