{"video":[],"contents":[{"id":"wk-0","pos":{"top":5,"left":96},"time":{"start":77.3,"end":107.3},"art":"Tun Sakaran Marine Park","lang":"it","wiki":"","title":"Nessuna corrispondenza"},{"id":"wk-1","pos":{"top":5,"left":96},"time":{"start":128.8,"end":158.8},"art":"Sama-Bajau peoples","lang":"en","wiki":"<div style=\"float:left;margin-right:10px\"><img src=\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9b/Bajau_Laut_Pictures_6.jpg/250px-Bajau_Laut_Pictures_6.jpg\"></div><br><div>\n\n<p>The <b>Sama-Bajau</b> refers to several Austronesian ethnic groups of Maritime Southeast Asia. The name collectively refers to related peoples who usually call themselves the <b>Sama</b>, <b>Samah</b>, or <b>Samal</b>; or are known by the exonym <b>Bajau</b> (<span class=\"nowrap\"><span title=\"Representation in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)\" class=\"IPA\">/</span><span class=\"IPA nopopups\"><span title=\"/ˈ/ primary stress follows\" style=\"border-bottom:1px dotted\">ˈ</span></span><span class=\"IPA nopopups\"><span title=\"'b' in 'buy'\" style=\"border-bottom:1px dotted\">b</span></span><span class=\"IPA nopopups\"><span title=\"/æ/ short 'a' in 'bad'\" style=\"border-bottom:1px dotted\">æ</span></span><span class=\"IPA nopopups\"><span title=\"/dʒ/ 'j' in 'jam'\" style=\"border-bottom:1px dotted\">dʒ</span></span><span class=\"IPA nopopups\"><span title=\"/ɔː/ 'au' in 'fraud'\" style=\"border-bottom:1px dotted\">ɔː</span></span><span title=\"Representation in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)\" class=\"IPA\">/</span></span>, also spelled <b>Badjao</b>, <b>Bajaw</b>, <b>Bajao</b>, <b>Badjau</b>, <b>Badjaw</b>, <b>Bajo</b> or <b>Bayao</b>). They usually live a seaborne lifestyle, and use small wooden sailing vessels such as the <i>perahu</i>, <i>djenging</i>, <i>balutu</i>, <i>lepa</i>, <i>pilang</i>, and <i>vinta</i> (or <i>lepa-lepa</i>). Some Sama-Bajau groups native to Sabah are also known for their traditional horse culture.</p>\n<p>The Sama-Bajau are traditionally from the many islands of the Sulu Archipelago in the Philippines (where they are grouped together with the Moro people), as well as parts of the coastal areas of Mindanao and northern Borneo. In the last 50 years, many of the Filipino Sama-Bajau have migrated to neighbouring Malaysia and the northern islands of the Philippines, due to the conflict in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. As of 2010, they were the second-largest ethnic group in the Malaysian state of Sabah. Groups of Sama-Bajau have also migrated to Sulawesi and North Kalimantan in Indonesia, although their exact population is unknown.</p>\n<p>Sama-Bajau have sometimes been called the \"Sea Gypsies\" or \"Sea Nomads\", terms that have also been used for non-related ethnic groups with similar traditional lifestyles, such as the Moken of the Burmese-Thai Mergui Archipelago and the Orang Laut of southeastern Sumatra and the Riau Islands of Indonesia. The modern outward spread of the Sama-Bajau from older inhabited areas seems to have been associated with the development of sea trade in sea cucumber (trepang).</p>\n\n\n\n<!-- \nNewPP limit report\nParsed by mw1134\nCPU time usage: 0.354 seconds\nReal time usage: 0.446 seconds\nPreprocessor visited node count: 2220/1000000\nPreprocessor generated node count: 0/1500000\nPost‐expand include size: 28805/2097152 bytes\nTemplate argument size: 6956/2097152 bytes\nHighest expansion depth: 12/40\nExpensive parser function count: 3/500\nLua time usage: 0.080/10.000 seconds\nLua memory usage: 2.36 MB/50 MB\n-->\n\n<!-- \nTransclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template)\n100.00% 416.813 1 - -total\n 21.89% 91.243 1 - Template:Infobox_ethnic_group\n 19.86% 82.764 1 - Template:Infobox\n 14.06% 58.597 1 - Template:EngvarB\n 13.88% 57.852 4 - Template:Broken_ref\n 11.89% 49.562 1 - Template:IPAc-en\n 10.28% 42.840 1 - Template:Nowrap\n 8.90% 37.088 3 - Template:Cite_web\n 7.58% 31.575 4 - Template:Flagcountry\n 6.90% 28.763 2 - Template:DMCA\n-->\n</div><a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sama-Bajau peoples\" target=\"_blank\">Continua a leggere..</a>","title":"Sama-Bajau peoples"},{"id":"wk-2","pos":{"top":5,"left":96},"time":{"start":247.4,"end":277.4},"art":"Chelonia mydas","lang":"en","wiki":"","title":"Nessuna corrispondenza"},{"id":"wk-3","pos":{"top":5,"left":96},"time":{"start":846.5,"end":876.5},"art":"Monsone","lang":"it","wiki":"<div>\n\n\n<p>Il <b>monsone</b> è un vento ciclico, caldo, tipico dell'Oceano Indiano, che ne influenza profondamente il clima. Il nome deriva dall'arabo <i>mawsim</i> che significa \"stagione\". Questo indica perfettamente il carattere stagionale di questi grandi flussi d'aria. I meteorologi li definiscono venti periodici. Il cambiamento di direzione del vento, che avviene in maggio e in ottobre, è accompagnato da cicloni tropicali molto violenti, i tifoni, che hanno spesso effetti devastanti sulle coste dell'Oceano Indiano.</p>\n\n\n<!-- \nNewPP limit report\nParsed by mw1200\nCPU time usage: 0.083 seconds\nReal time usage: 0.109 seconds\nPreprocessor visited node count: 203/1000000\nPreprocessor generated node count: 0/1500000\nPost‐expand include size: 3177/2097152 bytes\nTemplate argument size: 978/2097152 bytes\nHighest expansion depth: 11/40\nExpensive parser function count: 3/500\nLua time usage: 0.004/10.000 seconds\nLua memory usage: 486 KB/50 MB\n-->\n\n<!-- \nTransclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template)\n100.00% 46.173 1 - -total\n 53.75% 24.818 1 - Template:Nota_disambigua\n 46.18% 21.321 1 - Template:Str_find\n 46.05% 21.263 1 - Template:F\n 40.96% 18.914 1 - Template:Avviso\n 18.90% 8.725 1 - Template:Categorie_avviso\n 7.17% 3.311 1 - Template:Icona_lavoro\n 5.86% 2.708 1 - Template:Argomenti_avviso\n-->\n</div><a href=\"http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsone\" target=\"_blank\">Continua a leggere..</a>","title":"Monsone"}]}
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