Studying 100 years of climatic changes effects on the glaciers. This is the ambitious project the photographer Fabiano Ventura and his team are involved in. What the mission will be? Repeating the pictures taken one hundred years ago, during the first climbing and scientific expedition of the Duke of the Abruzzi to the Baltoro glacier. The results are surprising.
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Realizzato grazie al contributo del POR FESR Regione Lazio 2007-2013 – Asse I – Avviso Pubblico "Insieme x Vincere" – Prot. Domanda
n.SVLAZ-SU-2012-1038 – Codice CUP n. F84E14000930007 e Avviso pubblico per la presentazione di progetti di innovazione delle micro e piccole imprese - Prot.
FILAS-MI-2011-1343 del 3/8/2012 – CUP F87I1200233007